Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bodhi Linux gets E17 Stable Packages

Less than two weeks ago the E team finally had its stable E17 release. The Bodhi team and I have been working hard to deliver this release to our users in its best possible form in a timely fashion. Today we are happy to announce that these stable E17 packages have made their way into Bodhi's main repo. Existing Bodhi users can upgrade their systems to these latest packages by following the instructions detailed here.

Please be aware of a few things when upgrading to these packages:

First, since this is a major E17 release all current user configurations have to be reset. This means all of your current custom E17 profiles will need to be recreated starting with one of the Bodhi default profiles.

Second, the terminology terminal emulator has been having some stability issues with its most recent release. Because of this, I would highly recommend installing a secondary terminal emulator before installing these upgrades.

Finally, all of our wonderful E17 themes need updates to function with this latest E17 release. Currently we have around twenty themes that function well with the latest release. You can find them on our brand new art page.

Enjoy this fantastic new E release, folks! Also, please remember do NOT post support request on this blog post! We have a forum for that.

Also - for those wanting a brand-spanking new install with E17 stable - our Bodhi 2.2.0 discs should be out of testing by the end of this week.

Almost forgot! Happy 2013, folks.

~Jeff Hoogland


  1. Can't wait! Jeff, you and Bodhi Linux have been the most excellent cheerleaders for the E17 desktop! Keep up the great work!


  2. After installing this, I had many major problems with VLC...

    1. No issues with VLC here (or from any users in our testing repos for the last few weeks). As indicated in the post please open a support request on our user forums regarding any issues you have.

  3. As mentioned in the post, please make support requests on our user forums.

  4. What about using dual monitors? Seems to be a headache to get this working the last time and therefore I had to wipe my drive and go with Ubuntu. Please advise if this is now a fix or please post a link to a straight forward solution. Thanks!

    1. If you do not like the default E tool lxrandr is a good GUI replacement for it.
